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Blind Contour Drawings  

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Today we did an exercise in trust, confidence and faith in yourself. The Graphics Arts 2 class was joined by 2 other students in online independent classes and they did some Blind Contour drawings. We took a detour from the technology world and into the art world and worked with sharpie markers and large newsprint paper.

The aim of this is to develop hand-eye coordination and observational skills. They were asked to study a chair that we had set up on a table. Once they had memorized the angles, lines, contours and details they closed their eyes and put their sharpie markers to paper and drew what they saw in their mind. The results are always surprising and fun to see. It takes a leap of faith to draw something blind and have confidence in your results. Thanks to those students for sharing their work here.

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